Monday, April 10, 2006

The Ancient-Future of A Ton of Bricks

Every once in a while, I feel compelled to write about religion here. Well, maybe once every long while. In so doing, I think people may have been confused about where I stand on some things. For instance, I seem to have developed a reputation as someone who is somewhat "anti-emergent." (if you don't know what that means, consider yourself lucky because you will never know what it means. I certainly don't) Maybe this is a fair statement, though I wouldn't go so far as to say "anti." But then, at other times I have come across as all gung-ho about "emergent" stuff.

To counteract this confusion, I have developed a new system: visual labeling of posts.

When I plan on writing something about the good side of the "emergent" church, I will preface the post with this picture: They will be your friend for only $50! Don't tell them, but I stole this logo. Shhhh.

On the other hand, when I write about something from the other side of the divide (and what a big divide it is in some places), I will run, at the top of my post, this picture: They do not charge you to be your friend (Thanks Ingrid!), but chances are that they wouldn't want you as a friend anyway. For instance, if Ingrid finds out that I don't know exactly what Laodicea is, she may not want me as a friend.

I hope this new policy will clear things up, at least when it comes to individual posts. Me, I'm still a mystery. A fence-sitter. An involved observer. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me on both sides of the fence upon which we sit. I'm sure the divide is not so deep as it would seem. It's just that the most out-spoken on both sides also tend to be the most stubborn. I am neither, really. But if enough of us non-outspoken ones get together we could be really loud, like a whole bunch of mandolins instead of one trumpet. Or maybe we would still be too quiet, like a bunch of screaming trees (who rocked by the way): no matter how many there are, no one will care.


Rebecca said...

Hear hear for the fence sitters! Staunch moderates are we!

Sonja Andrews said...

Yeah ... Why is everyone so anxious to paint themselves into a corner? Or something like that ... I haven't had coffee yet this morning. But I think this is what I'm trying to say: I'm so tired of being told what I am by someone else. I'm so tired of others telling me what they are. We're all people. For those of us of this faith, we're all Christians. That should really and truly be enough. It all starts to feel like pulling motes out of others eyes while ignoring the logs in our own after a while. So I'll just shut up now ...