Tuesday, July 26, 2005

List Tuesday

Top Ten Letter Combinations that are Almost Words, But If You Use Them in Boggle They Won't Count

  1. Weel (You're thinking of weal)
  2. Prax (Sorry, it's a proper noun, as in the Prairie of Prax)
  3. Nie (So close, you could almost say the right answer is nigh)
  4. Meed (You might think this means a fermented drink. Well, you're wrong. UPDATE! Sources have confirmed that Meed is a word. One point will be given for this word in all Boggle games in the future)
  5. Doar (Shouldn't that mean something????)
  6. Tetht (Well, what is the past tense of teeth? Oh, yeah. Teethed.)
  7. Floud (You know, a floating cloud?)
  8. Plie (I think you mean "ply." Wait, what's that? Plie is a ballet term? Well I'll be damned!)
  9. Shud (Isn't that what a shudder does?)
  10. Fmpotunks (Not really close to a real world, but it would be worth, like 100 points! Or 11 points! Whatever!)

1 comment:

[REDACTED] said...

I'll bet you one hundred English pounds that fmpotunks isn't !