Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bad Poetry Thursday

Today's genre is Angsty Suburban Teenager Melodrama/Misunderstood Genius Poetry. Enjoy!

I Am Echoes
by Schuyler

My parents can
Not comprehend me
I am
To them
I think
A mirror
Of what they once
Wanted to be
And which they
Now can see
Quite clear
I am
I scare them in
Their old age
Their boring jobs
The end of the world
They must keep
Me at arms length
Or fear
My wrath which
I lay down when
Others claim me
As their own.
This house will
Falter when I
Am gone.
They are alone
And sad
That I have seen fit
To leave this hole
That they
So lovingly
Claimed as home.


Sonja Andrews said...

Maybe he's bummed out because no one said anything about his teenage angsty poem. I hope he's not sulking in his room.

[REDACTED] said...

Okay, so I've been a bit busy the last couple days. And Ross, you can start complaining when you start writing your own blog. Sonja, you can criticize me as much as you want. Finally, the McFly comment, strangely apt (stay tuned)......

Sonja Andrews said...

Yeah ... we bloggers (I almost typed "bloogers" which would have been a horrible faux pas) ... ANYWAY ... we bloggers have to stick together! So ... Ross ... get your own blog!