Friday, July 15, 2005

The lady is a champ

I honestly don't know how she does it. I really don't.

The brickbaby and I went over to our friends Mike and Stacy's house for a little socializing and stuff. The brickwife stayed home for a little peace and quiet for once. And let me tell you, being in charge of my son all by myself in a somewhat unfamiliar setting is exhausting. You have to maintain CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Plus, having him there is really isolating. It's hard to carry on a coherent conversation when your son is constantly craving your attention and/or wandering off to check something out.

And she does this every day. Granted it's often at home where things are baby proof so anything he can get into is fine for him to get into. But still, the lack of human contact must be totally stifling. I need a drink (or two) just to recover from three hours alone with him.

Brickwife, you are a totally amazing woman and I really hope our son doesn't exhaust you as much as he did me tonight. I can't even imagine what your life must be like every day. I love you, so please don't go crazy on me.

Finally, an aside on the "cookout" at Mike and Stacy's. I usually go to "cookouts" expecting a few bratwursts, a few burgers, maybe some steak or something. What do I see as I'm walking up to the door of their place? Why it's Mike (in his swimming trunks, but that's a whole 'nother story all together) pulling four whole roasted chickens off the grill. He then proceeds to slice them up and Stacy serves the pieces over arugula salad, papaya, and mango, and then tops it off with a nice mango chutney. What??? That's not a cookout, that's fine dining! I mean, I wasn't upset or anything, it just looked like a lot of work. So guys, next time, if you just want to make some hot dogs and serve them on paper plates, that is perfectly all right by this guy.

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