Monday, July 25, 2005

When trying to ride the bus at non-rush hour times, I will often see two, or even three "Not in Service" buses before one "In Service" bus comes along. Why is this? Why are there buses driving up and down the route (especially the 30's route along upper Wisconsin Ave.) but not stopping to let anyone ride? If the buses are going to drive the route anyway, why not pick people up? Isn't that what buses are supposed to do? You know, take people from one place to another, not cruise by in air-conditioned comfort while we wait wearily by the side of the God-forsaken road? This is especially important in January when it is about 5 degrees out.

Maybe the buses are going somewhere important. Perhaps, by driving the route without stopping, the bus is able to arrive at the start of another route sooner, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the MetroBus system. If that's the case, then so be it. But I still don't like that initially-hopeful, inexorably-crushed feeling that happens every time I see a "Not in Service" bus go by.


Maggie said...

you know what we have together? A ton of gold. I love you.

Sonja Andrews said...

Ohhh ... I do remember those days when I had to ride the bus at non-rush hour times. It's a double-edged sword. You get a seat, BUT, you have to wait soooo much longer for the bus AND you have to watch all those not-in-service buses go ramblin' by. That raised a lot of memories ... wow.