Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The TSWG Answers (#2)

So, here's the next question, or questions actually, that I received:

1) perhaps you explained this in an early post, but for those who tuned in recently: What's the 'brick' theme all about?

2) what influences do you credit (/blame?) for your brand of wit and general perspective on life?
3) what's the coolest thing about your wife that others might not know?

I'll take these, SURPRISE!, one at a time.

First question: The brick thing has never been explained. When I started this thing a few months ago, I wanted it to be called "Anthropomorph," but that name wasn't available. It doesn't mean anything either, I just like the word. Actually, I had a dream of starting a full-fledged web-magazine called Anthropomorph about a year ago. I was going to have all sorts of people write for it, maybe some cartoons that friends drew, but that didn't work out. Since my first choice was shot down, I sat around for a few minutes trying to think of another cool name, and I came up with "A Ton of Bricks," as in "it hit me like a ton of bricks." There is no rhyme or reason behind the name. I just thought is sounded cool. As to referring to people as "the brick______" well, I got that idea from a certain Mr. Simmons at He calls himself The Sports Guy and refers to his wife as The Sports Gal. I kind of took that and ran with it. Finally, if you can think of a cooler explanation for the brick thing, please let me know so I can start telling people that.

Second Question: It would take forever to document every influence I've ever had, but I will throw a few out there. For my cynicism, I credit/blame the brickfather. When we were trying to figure out what the brickbaby should call his grandparents, we decided that my dad would be "Grandpa Cynical." For my general positive outlook on life, I mainly credit my wife. For my excessive/obsessive worrying, I blame, um, no one really. As to my very derivative "wit" and self deprecating style, I admit that I have mainly copied it from other internet writers. Specifically, the writers at Black Table, most particularly Will Leitch. For my love of that lowest of forms of humor, the pun, I blame my mother. My love of the absurd has developed over many long years. I might be able to pinpoint its genesis in the 4th grade when I met my friend Ben. My wife doesn't necessarily share this love, though. Which is why I like Homestar Runner and she doesn't. Those are the influences I can think of right now.

Third Question: In college, she worked at the Burke Museum of Natural History cleaning and documenting all kinds of fossils. I think that's pretty cool. Plus, for two years, she organized Dinosaur Day. There're even pictures of her on the internet at Dinosaur Day.

Well, those are today's answers. Remember, if you have a question, email it to twentysmthingwhiteguy(at)yahoo(dot)com.


Sonja Andrews said...

Wow ... Maggie is even cooler than we previously thought!!

However, your thought o' the day today ... well ... hmmmm

kate said...

Anthropomorph doesn't mean anything? It means what Disney does to its animal characters. Or so I thought.

[REDACTED] said...

I mean, it has a definition, it just doesn't have any special meaning to me. It's just a word that I like the sound of.

kate said...

Aha! That makes sense.
I still think it's enjoyable in a "friggin' Disney, just let animals be ANIMALS, fer pete's sake!" kind of way.
I mean, The Lion King? The Circle of Life??? That means CARNIVORES and EATIN' EACH OTHER, y'all.