Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Why Do I Even Bother?

So, we've got family visiting this week. Five of them. Five is a big number. It's more than the number of quarters in a dollar. It's more than the number of quarts in a gallon. Basically, it's more than almost anything with "quart" in the word. Okay, okay, only three of them are staying with us in our 1 bedroom apartment, but still.

Anyway, our guests have been using our upstairs "guest" bathroom for all bathroom-related activities. We use that bathroom primarily for numbers 1 and 2 and not for tooth brushing or hair drying. Our guests, however, do use it for those purposes. Combine that with a shoddy wiring job on the outlet and what do you get? Flames shooting out of the outlet, that's what. Apparently my last attempt to fix the problem (solution = cover everything with electrical tape and hope that fixes the short) didn't take and apparently electrical tape is inflammable.

So yesterday afternoon I decided I should probably try another fix. First, I removed all the old tape and found a loose wire sticking out of the "hot" terminal. So, I removed the whole outlet mechanism to work on it. Of course, the whole time I'm working on it, my son is in there with me watching me. Here are a few things he said that make me remember that I'm utterly hopeless.

"What are you fixing, Daddy?"

"Daddy said "GRRRRRRR"

"Daddy are you fustyrated?"

"No, Mommy is supposed to do it." In response to me saying I was trying to fix the outlet.

Maybe next time I should just accept my lack of any practical knowledge and hire a dang electrician. Or have Mommy do it.


kate said...

So, they don't teach you this stuff in engineering class? What the heck DO they teach you? (joking, joking...)

Sonja Andrews said...

Ross is hopeless with those home-moaner issues too. Hire an electrician. It takes all the pressure off. I don't know who decided we're supposed to know all that stuff anyway.

Seth said...

I will fix it in trade for your continuing replacement of Rusty on WhyIHateDC. Deal?