Thursday, July 06, 2006

Surveying the Landscape

Well after yesterday's horrendous trainwreck, I decided that all surveys should be written by someone less prone to random capitalization. That someone was to be me. But then I remembered that I already created the best survey in the history of the internet.

It was in 1994, and I was in the 8th grade. We just got our new Mac 9600 or something like that and decided to hook up with AOL. Shortly thereafter, I, know as Milhouse[some number], created the following survey, which spread like rabid fire across the barren landscape of survey-less AOL chat rooms and is still in use today (maybe.)

Here it is:




Utterly brilliant, no?


Mike Croghan said...

Er.... OK, I'll bite.

No, thank you. I've got plenty.

Yes, please. (Well - depends who's asking.)

Hmm. The third question's the hardest. I've got one already, but I could imagine a better one. OK, why not? (Please don't be Texas...please don't be Texas....)


Anonymous said...

wait, so are you saying you INVENTED a/s/l? or you just clarified it?

[REDACTED] said...

Oh hell yes I invented it. What, you don't believe me?

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