Friday, July 07, 2006

Ragged Picture Follyday

Boy oh boy are we ever having a blow out today! Not one, not two, but three randomly stumbled across pictures from the internet! Hooray! And then the same three pictures only with a dog! Or another dog as the case may be! Friday rules!

What freaks me out about this picture is it looks like someone broke into my house and didn't steal anything. They just took a picture of my ridiculous crap collection.

Ha ha! A dog!

Babies: making cute messes since the dawn of mankind.

If only "dog-in-a-basket" were more like "pig-in-a-blanket" or "chicken-in-a-biskit" or "sausage-in-a-pancake."

"It is just like that jerk to go and do something like this. He is a camera hog and an attention whore. I hate that dude." That is totally what this dog would be thinking if dogs could think. But they can't.

I've lost sight of why I'm doing this.


Maggie said...

Is that paint on the tv?

[REDACTED] said...

I believe so.