Friday, July 21, 2006

Random JapanPicture Friday

If you've never been to Japan, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but it's true; it is impossible to have a picture taken without at least one person making the old "peace" or "V for Victory" sign with their fingers. Seriously. When I got accosted on the streets of Kyoto by two schoolgirls (not what you're thinking, you pervs) so they could talk to me in English for their homework, they wanted to take a picture with me to prove I was real and they didn't just make up the conversation, which is what I would have done if I had that assignment. So I stood there and smiled for the picture and they said "nonononononononono, do..." and they held up their fingers. And no, it's not just a kid thing. This picture, which I randomly stumbled across, proves my point. I really don't get it though. Wasnt't the "V for Victory" finger move an Allied thing in WWII?

That's why this picture is so much better: it makes sense.

See? This guy has apparently brokered a peace between the dog-faced Japanese people and the normal-faced Japanese people, who both appear to be claiming victory. It is a monumental acheivement akin to what Jimmy Carter facilitated at Camp David between the Israelis and the Palestinians*. We all know how well that worked out!

Also, all next week (well, starting today) I will be guest writing over at the amazing Why.I.Hate.DC blog. The great Rusty has asked me to humbly try to fill his shoes. I'll try to keep updating here too, but we'll see.

*may or may not be historically factual. Wikipedia probably knows.


Liz said...

So how come you didn't bring in a guest blogger to cover for you? You're leaving behind your established, loyal fans. Shesh!

Sonja Andrews said...

Uhhh ... Carter... Camp David? That would be Israelis and EGYPTIANS and so far it HAS worked out.

Just how long will you be covering for Rusty anyway?