Monday, July 03, 2006

Walkin' Down To Camptown

So, the brickfamily and I went camping this weekend in West Virginia. It was cool. The first time we've ever been camping in a deciduous forest, so we had that going for us.

I won't bore you with everything we did but here's a couple notes from the trip.

Have you ever seen those "tractor crossing" road signs? No? Me neither, until this weekend. They look like this....

I know what you are thinking: "that's a cute little sign with a generic guy in a cool hat riding on a generic tractor." Well guess what, you are wrong. I saw the sign model this weekend. He lives in Virginia, right near the WVA border and he drives a John Deere. He's even cooler in real life than he is on the sign. Seriously.

When we ran out of ice in our cooler, we decided to drive down to the near-by town of Wardensville. After about a mile (after 4 miles of dirt road to get back to the highway) we had to pull over and make sure we were headed the right way. For a minute I thought we turned the wrong way and instead of heading further into West Virginia we had ended up in South Carolina. I guess that's just what happens when I see two confederate flags flying on specially installed flagpoles in front of a house. It turned out that we were going the right way and that there are just racist hosers in West Virginia too. I'm kind of scared to go back. Also, since, in addition to ice, we needed to find somewhere to drop off our bag of trash, we thought the best place was all over the lawn of the racists. So I'm really afraid to go back.

On Saturday, we decided to go find another campground listed in our awesome book (someone has already written this book for Washington State. I wanted to do that!). It was about 20 miles from the one we were staying at (which totally ruled by the way). On the way there we passed through what can only be described as the suburbs of Wardensville. Along the way we saw a roadkilled something-or-other. Knowing what I do about the folks in West Virginia (this was just after we saw the Confederate flags), we decided we should probably stop, pick up the roadkill and go give it to someone. They eat that stuff for dinner right? But, the Brickson was asleep, so we figured we'd better not stop this time. When we came back, it was gone, so I guess somebody got it.

This has nothing to do with camping really, but Ryan and Holly, if you ever read this (I know you don't), I wanted to let you know how much of an influence you had on our son. The whole trip he wanted to "listen to Ryan and Holly singing!" He likes to sing along to the guitar parts (doo-doo-doo-dooo-dah-doooo) and gets really excited when he hears the "hollycup." I think he means "melodica" with that last one, but I'm not sure. Everytime a song ends he says "what's next, daddy? What's next?" So, all this to say, thanks, because now I don't have to listen to crappy kids music for two straight hours. I bet you didn't know you were making kids music, did you?


Ryan Lee Sharp said...


Turns out I found this when I was doing a vanity technorati search. Shame on me.

Sonja Andrews said...

You know when the guy on the tractor isn't cool? When he's not crossing the road, but he's driving on it and you're following him .... at about 12 mph on a twisting, winding road. Then Mr. John Deere is definitely NOT cool. I see those signs and groan. They are not cute and not cool ... they mean slow haywagons will rule. You just haven't spent enough time in farmland ...

[REDACTED] said...

What I'm impressed by, Ryan, is that you managed to do a vanity search within a half and hour of when this post was published. That means one of two things:

1. It was a weird coincidence
2. You do vanity searches constantly

Which one is it? Huh?

Anonymous said...

Not everybody in W.Va. is a racist hoser. Not everybody in Wardensville is, either. In fact, 95.27% of us are pretty open-minded, friendly and fun. Even a little wild and wonderful. But I giggled when I saw how you got rid of your trash. We DO try to keep our state clean, but ... (grin)