Friday, August 05, 2005

Random Picture Friday

Ha Ha Ha!!! Here's a stupid new feature that might be continued in the future if I feel like it!

Here is the story.

Awhile back I was happily clicking on "Next Blog" up at the top of the page. If you haven't tried this, I highly recommend it, but be warned, you may need to burn your eyes out of your head if you are unlucky, know whut ah mean? But anyway, back to the story. One day, I was serendipitously directed to a site I like to call BlaggBlogg. Actually, that's its real name, so I guess everyone likes to call it that. I find it funny, though the language can get a little off-color for the children out there. I may or may not agree with the stuff he says, but I still enjoy most of it, especially the hippie bashing. Aside to Mr. Blagg, should he ever read this: Don't you think hippie bashing is a little to easy? It's like shooting fish at Safeway. Also, I'm sorry I stole your blog's background. Fortunately, the chances of you ever seeing this are slim to none, so I feel pretty safe. End Aside. Now eventually I got around to reading Mr. Blagg's entire archive in which, while reading through the April 2005 posts, I stumbled across this little beauty: Livejournal pictures (I'd put the link directly to the post, but I don't know how. It's about 2/3 of the way down the April archive). This post contains the link to a great little page that shows you the last 40 pictures uploaded on Livejournal by anyone, anywhere. It, to say the least. Here ya go. Enjoy. Please note that some people post some really weird (alright, sick) stuff to their Livejournals, so watch out.

So now, every Friday (or until I get sick of it) I will post a random picture from Livejournal. And here's the kicker: if there comes a time where I choose a random picture and someone who reads my inane blog can actually identify the people in it, I will stop blogging FOREVER. Since I only know 10 people, max, who read this I feel pretty safe. If I accidentally post a picture of a celebrity, that doesn't count. On to today's picture. Oh yes, I will also caption the pictures, though I will try not to say anything mean, because, well, that would be mean.

WOW! What can I say. Just you and a banjo on stage together? That takes guts.

Observations from my Livejournal photo viewing.
  1. You would not believe how many of the pictures are Harry Potter related.
  2. You would not believe how many of the pictures come from stupid online quizzes that tell what 80's movie character you are, or what type of fiction you should write or whatever else kind of quiz there is.
  3. Almost all of the girls under, say, 21 in the pictures have their heads tilted slightly one way or the other. I know I'm not the first person to say this, but still, why is that?


Sonja Andrews said...

This is also funny. You are a closet comedian!

kate said...

Wow. Those are excellent questions/observations.
My theory is that all the girls with their heads tilted are either:
a) permanently stuck from having drawn all those Harry Potter pictures, or
b) drunk.
(or both.)