Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ooh, Decisions!

Just like a savory mixture of peppers, onions, thinly sliced steak and various spices all topped with a healthy dollop of sour cream, decisions can be the most satisfying when wrapped inside a warm corn tortilla. But that's pretty much where the similarity to fajitas ends.

Anyway, I've decided that it's not worth the trouble to write about sociological problems here at A Ton of Bricks. There's enough of that strewn about the web as it is. The last thing I need to do is add to that. It's not my job to solve the world's problems. It's not my job to even think about them, at least here. What? Are you trying to tell me I have to? You're not the boss of me! So I think I'll stop doing it. Oh, don't worry, I won't stop posting stuff, I just won't discuss much of global import. I may get philosophical/self-absorbed/annoyingly trite at times, but hey, until you start to pay me for this, suck it.

I was planning on writing a further post related to yesterday's, but I'm not going to. If you really want me to, send some questions to twentysmthingwhiteguy(at)yahoo(dot)com (remember that failed gimmick??) That way I'll be forced to answer them. Otherwise, just talk to me or something. If you've read much of what I've written, however, you probably don't even need to talk to me. Even if you've never met me, your impressions of me are probably dead on, so you can guess what I would say. Yep. I'd say "Oh, I'm not racist" and then launch into a stinging criticism of what I would probably call "underclass culture" while primarily meaning "underclass black culture." And I would couch all my statements in pithy words that make me sound considerate. Finally, I would pay a little lip service to the fact that "of course, I'm a product of the system too and I'm not above any of this" while secretly thinking "well, really, I am above all this because I can see it, so ha ha!"
And then, we could all chime in on the comments feeling really smug about ourselves and how we are all so compassionate and caring and not racist and so on until we reach the conclusion that we were right all along and aren't we a bunch of great people.

There, that's good enough, right?


Sonja Andrews said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sonja Andrews said...

Sorry I had to delete my comment ...

Signed, the Prophet-Mallow

[REDACTED] said...

Oh, come on Sonja! Why did you have to delete your comment? Fire away!

kate said...

Uh-oh. Now we're all curious, Sonja! I HATE being curious.
Eh. Trite is good. It brings balance to the universe. It doesn't mean that deeper parts lie, well, deeper.

Sonja Andrews said...

No ... just go on being smug ... and not racist ... and all of that ... ur gud. In fact, we all are.

Maggie said...

ooh, grinning nervously

WMS said...

you're crazy! you're as flighty as a cat in the moonlight!

WMS said...

and I mean that in a good way... you doubt yourself right into the doubt of doubt and it's refreshing. haha