Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bad Poetry Thursday

More non-genreficated bad poetry today for you. Not for anyone else, just you, and I think you know who you are...

A Taste of Things to Come
by Schuyler

I've had it up to here
he said
while pointing towards his limpish hair

I'm going to blow this popsicle stand
And take my toys and go home

As night slowly crept into the city
he walked home
at a very determined pace
so as not to disrupt the way of things
or cause havoc in the bars and restaurants
because that is the sort of thing that often happened
as he made his way about the streets
of the city
on his way to I don't know where
to find a new popsicle stand
and a new place to keep his toys
especially his wooden toys
since leaving them outside overnight can
ruin them completely.

1 comment:

WMS said...

and thus begins the white harlem renaissance...