Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Ton of Hot Air

Okay folks, I wasn't going to write about this, like, ever, but I have to. Did you see the Post today? No? Okay, here's the editorial cartoon...

Can we all just stop blaming things on global warming? Global warming is not an on/off thing. It doesn't directly cause any weather patterns. It influences average weather patterns over decades not days. This rain? Not caused by global warming. Hurricane Katrina? Not caused by global warming. Were the intensities affected by global warming? Possibly. But please, please stop saying "well, looks like it's global warming."

Also, while we're on the subject, no, colder weather than usual during the winter does not mean that global warming isn't true.

Also, while we're on the subject, I've heard that last year was the hottest in 2,000 years. Are you telling me that we are freaking out and blaming death, destruction and flooding on weather that isn't even yet out of the normal distribution of historical global temperatures? You are? Well I'll be! I thought global warming was a never before seen wave of highest ever temperatures. Huh.*

[Redacted due to policy violation]

*For those of you who don't normally read this blog, or for those of you that do, but never understand when I am joking, this is one of those times. I actually think global warming is real and a big deal. It's a big deal because our industrial society was built during a period of historically low global temperatures and is vulnerable to any major shift in weather patterns, even if it takes decades. And stop feeling smug about it. It'll affect you, too.


Liz said...

I don't believe in global warming. I think it is some kind of political trick... a slight of hand. It's all about the money. They make you think it's real, but really someone is sitting somewhere making lots and lots of money off people's fears re: global warming. I don't care what the scientists say. I don't care about reports and statistics. They all lie.

When I was a kid, I was scared to death because news reports were filled with stories about how we were heading into an ice age. The earth was freezing to death. Our children would die horrible deaths because the earth would become too cold to support vegetation and then life in general.

Just wait a couple more years... global warming will go out of fashion and we'll either swing back to ice age fears or someone will think of something else that's new and shiny and sexy and makes lots of money selling news, selling consulting services to industry and governments, and keeps PACs in business.

[REDACTED] said...

Is this a joke? Because if not, I'm not sure that I really know what you mean. Are you calling BS on the anthropogenic theory of global warming, or global warming in general?

Liz said...

No, I'm not joking. I understand the earth's temperature isn't static. I believe it ebbs and flows in cycles -- just like our body tempature varies throughout the day and even troughout a month. So I don't doubt that the earth is going through a "hot flash." But all the sky-is-falling-the-earth-is-dying-global-warming frenzy is BS. Well, not BS; it's BB -> Big Business.