Tuesday, June 13, 2006

L i s t T u e s d a y

A Bunch of Things I'll Probably Never Do, so what.

  1. Play professional basketball

  2. Eat a million pounds of steamed crab

  3. Stop writing this stupid blog at the end of the month

  4. Juggle more than 8 apples

  5. Throw a baseball more than 1,000 feet on the fly. I've yet to top 800

  6. Star in a Broadway Show about the life and times of Edgar Rice Burroughs

  7. Care who Edgar Rice Burroughs is

  8. Fight fire with fire

  9. Lose more than one SmarTrip card at a time

  10. Call someone who cares

  11. Cry over spilt milk

  12. Spill milk

  13. Cough up a lungfish

  14. Be buried alive

  15. Climb every mountain

  16. Ford every stream

  17. Hold on loosely

  18. Walk 35 miles through the desert to find some old sage just to get the chance to ask him one question: "What in the world are you doing out here?"

  19. Shoot flames out of my ears

  20. Think that Bono isn't a tard

  21. Play chutes and ladders. It's Snakes and Ladders or nothing for this guy.

  22. Fly to Nebraska

  23. Drink a whole bottle of vodka in one sitting

  24. Work in this town again

  25. Join forces with evil


Sonja Andrews said...

You just wait til Levi is blessed with the game and comes to you with his beautiful big eyes and says, "Daddy, please play Chutes and Ladders with me?" Then you'll play ... oh yes you will!!

[REDACTED] said...


kate said...

And again, I say: We have GOT to get a crew together to see Snakes on a Plane in August.

I am annoyed with Chutes and Ladders because -- and this isn't a flaw of the game, just my daughter, which time alone will rectify -- it confuses a 3-year-old to have the squares numbered 1 to 100. She's supposed to move three spaces -- then why is she putting her marker on No. 15?
It's also deceptively hard to finish the freekin' game. After awhile, I give up. Much easier in Candyland, to just hide the cards after awhile that send you back to the earlier part of the board.
Try a more boring post than THAT, other fans of Brickdude's blog! I DARE YOU.