Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mottled Graying Stars

Ha ha! Remember that one time when I tried to get a big communal art project/survey going? And remember how nobody answered it because I never posted it anywhere? Well, here it is. You can put your answers in the comment section! It's a game! For each answer, you get one point! Then you lose all your points! Nobody wins!

Anyway, here's a better idea for a communal project. This one is a poem. I wish I had thought of this first instead of my friend Kirk. I also wish I had 61 people to leave me comments. Oh well.

Anyway, here's my new idea: photos.

I am going on vacation tomorrow (if visiting family is really vacation). While I am gone, here is what I want you to do.

  1. Go to flickr.com

  2. Choose any photo you find that you like (actually, no nudes please, this is a family site you pervert).

  3. Leave the url in the comment section.

  4. Tell your friends to do the same thing.

When I get back from vacation I will look at all the photos and incorporate them into some kind of project. Then I will submit it to some art museum and we can all be famous. OR, I can just post it here and we can all think, "wouldn't it be cool if this thing blew up like Post Secret and everybody started submitting stuff to it and we started it?"

That is so not going to happen.


Maggie said...



Anonymous said...


Sh33p said...
