Wednesday, October 11, 2006

B-B-B-B-Back in.....Ah, who cares.

You know, I've had a lot of disappointments in my life. Once, I reached into a box of Wheat Thins only to realize that I had already eaten them all. Another time I got two of the same McDonald's Monopoly pieces on the same soda cup. Then this other time when I thought I was going to get a million dollars, I actually got hit in the head with a cricket bat (I don't think "bat" is the right word. Cricketers probably call it a "stollie" or a "widger" or a "trollop" or something).

But nothing has been as disappointing as the response to my post from last Tuesday. Four pictures? Four pictures!? And one from someone that I've never even met? Wait, no. TWO FROM PEOPLE THAT I HAVE NEVER EVEN MET, WELL OKAY, ONE OF THEM I HAVE SEEN FROM ACROSS THE ROOM BUT I DIDN'T ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM AND THEN THEY WENT BACK TO ARIZONA. Seriously, come on people, I know there are at least three others of you that have seen the post. Throw me a bone here. It was going to be awesome and then you had to go and screw it up in the only possible way: NOT FINDING AND %$#(&^$(&#)*%$ PICTURES!

It's not so hard. Watch....

See? Was that so hard? It took like, three minutes to find those. You just have to type in any old search term and something will come up. Hell, there's even 71 results for "denouement!"

Can we try this again?


Sonja Andrews said...

Quit yer whining

Anonymous said...

wait, so do i need a new photo or does my old one still count

Anonymous said...

ps, were you the one who wrote about different flavors of kitkats in asia before? the us now has ORANGE CREME flavor kitkat. i saw it but did not try it yet

[REDACTED] said...

First: Ms. Solas, I try to do something nice and this is the thanks that I get?

Second: Ms. Roots, your first picture still counts. Thank you. It is quite awesome.

Third: Yes, that was me who wrote about japanese kitkats only to be sorely disappointed when there were not as many different varieties as I had been led to expect.

Sonja Andrews said...

Did you not see that I kindly linked to a picture in my comment? Hullo! I sent a picture ... a day late and a dollar short ... but a picture nonetheless.

Sonja Andrews said...

Besides you jinxed yourself by ending your last post with this sentence:

"That is so not going to happen."

So who knows what could mean ...

kate said...

Oh no! You didn't get to talk to Erin? (is that whom you mean?) Dangit, people. Why HAVE a wedding if you mutual awesome friends don't get to know each other, like, face to face. Whatever.
So, here. Or am I doing this right?