Friday, February 17, 2006

The One Campaign For That One Thing

Did you know that if you search Google for "Bono is a pretentious blowhard" you get zero results? I find this shockingly hard to believe. I mean, I can't be the only one to think this, right? There have to be others that think that Bono is a pretentious blowhard. I would guess that there are millions who think as I do, and now, whenever they search for "Bono is a pretentious blowhard" they will be sent to my site! See how that works? Thank you Bono, for being a pretentious blowhard and sending people here so I can make no money off all the banner ads that I don't have.

As a service to those of you that don't think that Bono is a pretentious blowhard, I am providing you with a picture you can print out (stolen from ha ha) and sleep with and fawn over. Nail it to a cross if you want, and see if it rises from the dead!

Ha ha ha. This is all in good fun. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Especially Bono's. I bet all his pretentious blowhardism is just a cover up for his severe lack of self-worth. It's okay man, we still love you. Say, can I have a hundred bucks?


Rebecca said...

Something tells me you are going to be accused of blasphemy.

[REDACTED] said...

I want 50,000 people protesting in the street and burning down my embassies!!!

Sonja Andrews said...

I'm just glad you finally updated your Ton o'Stats. That was really bugging me.