Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I've Been Waiting So Long To Be Where I'm Going

Hey all y'alls, I have a favor to ask for a friend of mine. She's an old friend. We go way back. So far back that I haven't seen her in more than eight years. Actually we were kind of enemies. But anyway, now we're not so....

Please read this post of hers and respond to her so she can have some ideas or something for this seminary final paper she's got to write.

And no, I haven't responded yet.


Rusty said...

I believe the term is "frenemy"?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Lots of comments! I'm going to put them in a special bonus section of my paper. So post-modern! (Oh, wait...does that mean I'm "emergent" now?)

Anyway. In high school. We weren't even frenemies. the St. Lawrence was an Ayn Rand reading, Bible Church Bible thumping, stern faced libertarian and I was a (really) aggro depressed atheist radical feminist with a girlfriend. Plus, it didn't help that we got pitted against one another in class all the time. Schuyler, do you remember Ms. Bartelli's stupid-ass "fickle finger of fate" that somehow magically would land on our names and make us spell words against one another? I hated that.

Weirdly and beautifully, we've ended up on similar theological pages in the (um?) wisdom of our twenties. Three cheers for reconciliation!

[REDACTED] said...
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kate said...

Ayn Rand -- HAR!
It tickles me all the more to picture all this taking place in Yakima.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Yakima. It was actually less funny to be there than to think about it now.

And Schuyler, I don't remember your baby face. I only remember your "you're going to hell" face. If I ever saw that face on a baby I think I would freak out.