Thursday, September 21, 2006

We Will All Be Astronauts

And by "astronauts" I mean "rich" thanks to Web 2.0

Here is my sales pitch for the all new A Ton of Bricks, complete with logo!

Welcome to the all-new A Ton of Bricks; We're about what Web 2.0 is about. We are on the brink of a new age and Web 2.0 is the new New.

It's all about community. Taggable folksonomies! On-demand news clouds with one click! Roll your own podcasts! Cry out, blogosphere! Social is the new push!

Here are some of the features that will be incorporated into the All New A Ton of Bricks - this will change everything.

  • Dynamic inline updating with yellow fades!

  • An AJAX-driven GUI

  • disintermediate peer-to-peer communities

  • post rss-capable networking

  • Ruby on Rails

  • enabling of embedded platforms

  • incentivized user-contributed network effects

  • Emergent topologies based on PERL-enabled sub-scripting

  • DRM-free video sharing through Skype

  • Monetizing through AdSense

  • Real-time aggregation of content-sensitive Atom feeds

We shall transcend borders.


kate said...

Are those real things, or did you get them from a generator of impressive, but essentially meaningless, phrases?

Seth said...

Allow me to rephrase for greater clarity:

Dynamic inline steps with grey aluminum slide!

An AJAX-induced DUI.

Disinterested peer-to-peer communities

Concurrent pms-incapable networking

Ruby on Rails (I got nothin')

Bedazzling of heel-enabled platforms

If you do the work, I'll let you see it...

Emergent toplessorgies based on IPEX-enabled miracle-wiring

DMX free-video-sharing through Sony Urban

Monetizing through NotALotofCents

Real-time aggrevation of too-sensitive PC (not computer) fiends

WMS said...

what really tells me I may have a problem is I know what most of that is... except for "disintermediate peer-to-peer communities" ... which sounds like essentially a glorified message board.

WMS said...

hey! I thought you shut down this site! why am I so driven to always read it?

Sonja Andrews said...

So what's with all the use of the royal "we" all of a sudden?

Anonymous said...

I think the star in the upper right corner should read "Meta" instead of "Beta".