Thursday, September 07, 2006

Once Upon A Time

One time, when I was in Germany...Okay, last weekend, when I was in Germany and I was riding Die Bahn from Hannover to Aschaffenburg and was going through all these tiny little rural towns in the central Germany forest, I saw all these dudes wearing the most ridiculous clothes. One guy was wearing a black t-shirt with with the words "SHOW ME YOUR SKILLZ FOOL" in giant block letters. Another guy looked like he stepped onto the train directly from Stupid LA, what with his slightly crooked white Dodgers hat, his huge "aviator" sunglasses, his pink and blue striped sweater, etc....

So I decided to coin a new word for this type of person. It's very clever, so there's probably no way that I am the first one to think of it. Anyway, the word is: Deutschbag. Sorry, I can't provide pictures, but when you go to Germany, you'll know them when you see them.

P.S. I just googled it, and there are 2,510 hits for "deutschbag." That's about what I expected for my "newly coined" word. At least there's no definition for it (at least correctly spelled) in the Urban Dictionary.


Mike Croghan said...

I had a similar Google experience recently regarding my brilliant and original idea for the new Samuel L. Jackson diet:


"Snacks on a Plan".

Currently 1,390 hits. Oh well.

kate said...

NICE! I'm going to start using that right away. Er, when it comes up.
You're telling me that Sacha Baron Cohen was on a train platform in Germany? YESSS. Maybe doing publicity for that Borat movie.