Thursday, March 16, 2006

Viva Administration! And Bad Poetry Thursday

Okay, we'll get to the bad poetry in a sec. First I've got some administrative things to write about.

First, in one of the strangest things ever to happen to me, I have at least one reader from Provo, Utah. I don't even know where Provo is, let alone know any um, Provozoans?. I think it might be near SLC, but I'm too lazy to open up Google Earth and check. At first I thought it was someone who knows my sister-in-law, but it's not. It's some random girl I've never met named Becky Karlsven. She seems like a nice enough person. Anyway, it appears to be a long story, but there are five links on her blog: Google News, BYU (hey, she's from Utah), sudoku, her brother (I assume), and me. Why me??? Not that I mind. I actually feel kind of special that some random person I don't know would link to me as though I was someone important! It appears that she first found my blog (I don't know how) in August when she left a comment on this post and she has been a reader ever since! Thanks, Ms. Karlsven. I appreciate it.

Also, I still have regular readers in Seoul, Sunnyvale, CA, and recently, the UK. But none of them link to me, so I don't like you as much, okay?

Second, when searching for that post from last August, I came across another post that now has 22 comments, almost all spam, and almost all new! Awesome!

Third, today and tomorrow will be post-heavy in the morning and not so much in the afternoon. I have a lot of work to do. And by work, I mean constant refreshing of ESPN's NCAA tournament scoreboard.

Fourth, I just wanted to let you know that They Might Be Giants are playing the 9:30 Club in April, if you want to go. I already have tickets (they went on sale over one hours ago!) and if you want to go, let me know. Also, I feel kind of stupid for being excited about this show. I am out of the age range where liking TMBG is really appropriate. It starts at about 13 (there's just something about their cleverness that nerdy teenagers love) and goes to about 22 (or 25 if you're still in college. Undergraduate, that is). I guess it now includes babies and parents of babies so, hey, maybe I do still qualify! Yeah, I'll rationalize it like that. Does that mean I have to take Levi?

Okay on to.....

Waiting By The Side Of The Road As If You Think Something Is About To Happen
by "Skizz"

When you look in the windows of the passing cars
you can see the look in the eyes of the of drivers of the passing cars
and you think "what would they do
if I threw
a full cup of orange soda through
the open windows of the passing cars"

Or remember the time
that you forgot the time
and went late to the movie about
the guy who lived in a small house on the side of the road
and threw orange soda through the windows of the passing cars
like you did just now

What a strange world you think
what a funny place to raise a child in
or on or around or about face
you cannot find a trace
of your child in the world you live in
since your children are in fact a part
of nothing at all
and don't even exist in your mind's eye
that is looking through the windows of the passing cars

Birds and bees flutter in and around your head
and my head
and the sounds of the passing cars fill and follow our ears
and a single dangling piece of pie
hanging from a delirious lamp post
across the street is tempting
you to cross the street and eat it
but perhaps you will miss the bus
and find that the pie was only dust
or come in contact with the passing cars
that have star in thars
You are sure to lose that battle

On the street, people come and go
talking of Michelangelo

Or more likely why must the traffic be so bad
or guess how much my house is worth
or can you believe what that guy just said
or I heard that Howard's cat is dead
or I didn't want to leave my bed
or please stop these voices in my head
or oh god my blood is spilling, red
or I wish I had some more street cred

But nothing
happens because a watched pot while only occaisionally boil
and now is not one of those occaisional times
when a pot will boil
and the passing cars knocked the pot on its side
and spilled the water down the gutter on the street
where the passing cars have orange soda flying from
their tailpipes and their drivers eyes.


Sonja Andrews said...

Uhhh ... Schuyler ... I like TMBG and I'm waaayyyy out of your demographic. So what's up with that?

Maggie said...

That poem was awesome!

kate said...

I'm seeing a link between your affection for They Might Be Giants and that poem. Is it just me?
I like Becky! She seems very cool, and has that great subversive wit that we Schuyler fans have learned to appreciate.

[REDACTED] said...

Hmm, Kate. That is perhaps true. Not consciously, but everyone always unconsciously incorporates influences into everything they do. I was thinking more stream-of-consciousness modernism than TMBG, but hey, you know, whatever.

Liz said...

One of my friends dated one of the guys from TMBG. But them my ex got her hooked on opium and she went to stay with her mom to detox and I never heard from her again.

JandB said...

well, i guess i better explain my story. a long long time ago i was exploring the world of blogs. i just kept clicking on the "next blog" button looking to see if there were any good blogs out there. a lot of them were pretty lame, but then a blog with an odd name popped up and it was actually funny and not written by some 13 year old girl. and that was how i discovered your blog. i have really liked reading it, especially when none of my friends had written anything new. i could just read yours and have a good laugh.

and yes, provo is near slc, its about 45 min. south of it.

[REDACTED] said...

Well, Becks, I am certainly glad to have been an enjoyable place to visit on occaision. Also, I must say that you should write more often on your blog, because I could always use something more to read.

Unknown said...

are buffet’s communist?