Sunday, September 09, 2007

All My Lies Are Always Wishes


Follow all instructions very carefully

  1. Buy some USDA Choice Sirloin steaks on sale at Meijer.

  2. Gripe about having to shop at Meijer where everybody is rude.

  3. Think, "Wow, it's just like being back in DC except everyone (including me) is fatter!

  4. Walk down the baking aisle and note that it is the only part of the store that isn't a zoo.

  5. Think, "what is this country coming to when nobody bakes their own food anymore. At least we are not like that. We at least bake our own bread.

  6. In a bread machine.

  7. At home, 90 minutes before grilling time, take the steaks and pat them dry to remove excess water.

  8. In your Crate and BarrelTm granite mortar and pestle, mash together some fresh, homegrown rosemary and some minced garlic.

  9. Spread garlic-rosemary mash liberally on one side of the steaks.

  10. Cover the steaks on both sides with non-iodized salt so that you can't even see any red hardly ,in order that the water in the steaks gets drawn out by the salt to dry them out so that they taste like prime steaks instead of choice.

  11. Let steak sit there for about 75 minutes.

  12. Half-assedly rinse the surfaces of the steaks to remove the excess salt and garlic-rosemary mash.

  13. Grill to taste.*

  14. Taste will be salt.

*At least 4 Rolling Rocks (or similar) must be consumed while grilling. Includes grilling time for dishes other than steaks.