Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We'll Try Not To Get In The Way Of The Guns

So, if you've been reading anything around here, you'll know that I complain about Detroit often. Basically every time I have to go there. Well guess what? It's not quite official yet, but it looks like we're moving there in a couple of months! How do you like them apples? They are tart and firm and, like Detroit, they taste like a potent urine, exhaust and malt liquor cocktail.

But how bad can it possibly be, right? Let's take a look at some of the uplifting news stories that have come out of Detroit lately!

  1. 2 killed, 3 hurt in Detroit shooting spree

  2. Man arrested with $78,000, nuke info

  3. Detroit Now only SECOND most dangerous city!

Still, it's better than this steaming dungheap of cronyism, corruption, violence, poverty, callousness, petty politics, taxpayer boondoggles, drugs, condescension, apathy and downright evil.

P.S. I did my part to battle the evilness of DC yesterday. Charles the Street Sense guy at Metro Center was hanging out so I chatted with him a bit. I asked him if he was doing anything for Thanksgiving, if he had any family in the area. He said no. So I didn't invite him to our house for Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

hey, at least your street cred will go way up. if i do make a tie for you should i put a gun on it or just a couple little bags of drugs?

[REDACTED] said...

Full Disclosure: We will be moving to a far-out suburb of Detroit.

Actually, that might be worse. Instead of guns and drugs, we'll have SUVs and plasma TVs and keeping up with the Jonesesses to deal with. Maybe I should wear a tie with a bunch of identical tract houses on it.

Liz said...

Levittown Rocks!