Tuesday, November 11, 2008

List Tuesday: Carbonaceous

Names My Daughter Will Probably Not Have Even Though They Are Sophisticatedly Literaryish

  1. Rose of Sharon

  2. Goneril

  3. Billy Pilgrim

  4. Remedios

  5. Gomer

  6. Janet

  7. Margaret Thatcher

  8. Daisy (or Jordan)

  9. Callisto (this one is literary and astronomerary!)

  10. Beowulf

  11. Molly

  12. Ekwefi

  13. The Oldest Living Confederate Widow

  14. Bartleby

  15. Lady Macbeth

  16. Margaret Thatcher Part II


Erin said...

I'm glad to see you didn't rule out anything from Dostoevsky (sp?). Your impending daughter still has a chance of landing a five-part name.


P.S.-- Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

My grandma's name is Daisy. And I like Molly and Margaret. Mind if I steal some names for our girl off your list? Tolcw has a nice ring to it.

I actually met someone whose name was Rosa Sharon.

(Anything's better than)Stacy

[REDACTED] said...

I should probably point out that these are not names that I necessarily dislike, just ones that my daughter probably won't have. Except Margaret Thatcher Part II. I really don't like that one.

Also, Rosa Sharon...... Hmmm, I think I like it!

Mike Croghan said...

I like Molly. The rest, not as much. (And I'm fond of a certain diminutive form of Margaret and similar names.)

I notice you didn't rule out any LotR names. Galadriel St. Lawrence has a certain sonorous quality to it.

[REDACTED] said...

Sorry, Mike, but Galadriel and Arwin (however you spell it) are both categorically ruled out.

Anonymous said...

MT2 could work if you called her deuce.

Anonymous said...

Deuce is likely to result in much poop-related teasing.

I think you may have been to hasty to exclude Gomer. That's dead sexy, and you know lots of girls are getting boys' names now.