Things I Would Like to Do and Even Imagine Myself Doing But Probably Will Not Do On My Last Day Of Work In DC Tomorrow
- Moo like a cow as we all move like cows off the train and onto the escalator to our untimely demise
- Meet the Press
- Sing songs from the Rocky Horror soundtrack out loud on the train
- Dress like Dr. Frank N. Furter on the train*
- Spend all day reading the whole internet
- Hire a barbershop quartet to sing a goodbye song to my office
- Talk to Charles one more time
- Do some serious shreddin'
- Eat some pie
- Not miss anybody here in DC
- Write a Goodbye, You Stupid City post on Why.I.Hate.DC (you there Rusty?)
*After telling this joke I always like to clarify that I'm only kidding. I believe tomorrow will result in the average amount of desire to dress up in fishnet stockings etc. If you were to do a "dressing up in fishnet stockings etc desire test" tomorrow, my name would be right in the middle.