Get this: not one, but TWO of my very favoritest bloggers in wholest widest world linked to me today: Mike and Rusty. Now Mike linking to me isn't that uncommon but it's still special. Rusty on the other hand rarely links to anything but real, important kinda stuff. If you can call the Washington Times real....or important...but anyway.
Now, as all narcissistic bloggers must, I monitor my traffic from time to time. Here, in chart-a-rific fashion is what happens when either of my much more famouser friends (I did meet Rusty in person once and yes he was wearing a BoSox hat. No sweater vest though, sorry).
As you can easily see, my blog traffic is ego-crushingly low. Not that I care about that. But when I get links? Shooooooot, it practically goes through the freaking roof! Yeah!!
If only I had AdSense on this thing. I could have made, like, almost a dime.
You've been in Detroit for like three days, and your writing is already atrocious-- a typo in the second word of a fifty-word post? Come on!
(Would you prefer that I point this out with a link from my blog?)
I've actually been feeling a bit down lately, so I bought myself a blue argyle sweater vest to cheer myself up.
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